
Showing posts from September, 2020

3 Self-Defeating Habits That Destroy Happiness

The top three energy-draining, ambition-killing traits to lose. Posted Sep 18, 2020 Sean Grover L.C.S.W. When Kids Call the Shots Everyone struggles with negative internal voices; those nagging, critical, confidence -destroying voices that pop up when you're feeling anxious or want to try something new:  “You can’t do that.”  “People will laugh at you”  “You’re not good enough.” With the help of the right therapist, you can go to battle with self-defeating voices, unearth their origins, and evict them from your psychic. Even if they appear now and then (who doesn't suffer bouts of self-doubt or insecurity?), individual or group therapy can help you learn to manage self-defeating voices and keep them from undermining you.  But what about self-defeating habits? Those ingrained patterns that feel as comfortable as your favorite cozy blanket. What do you do about those? Self-Defeating Habits Self-defeating habits generally fly just under the radar of your consciousness. You're

4 signs you had a codependent upbringing that affects your adult relationships, according to a therapist

  Julia Naftulin If a parent raised you in a codependent manner, it could negatively affect your adult relationships. Signs a parent was codependent include using passive-aggressive behavior to discipline, making all decisions for a child, and refusing to admit to being wrong. An adult child who had a codependent upbringing may have anxiety over decision-making, use passive-aggressive behavior while upset, and make personal stressors a problem for parents to solve. Children look to their parents for emotional support and how to act as they learn to navigate the world. But if that parent-child relationship is unhealthy, it can affect the way a child interacts with others as an adult. This commonly occurs in codependent relationships , in which parents' words and actions teach children they need another person to validate their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, the therapist Kristie Overstreet told Insider. If a parent never admits to being wrong, uses passive-aggressive behavior to

15 Breakup Texts That Will Help You End Any Type of Relationship

  By  Maria Yagoda   and   Carolyn Steber Updated:  Aug. 25, 2020 We all know the level of anguish that can be caused by ghosting; when someone abruptly cuts off communication with you, and fades away without explanation. It's super rude, and it often leaves you wondering what happened, if they're OK, if you did something wrong — the list of concerns goes on and on. And yet, however strongly you may feel about the ethics of the fadeaway when it comes to people ghosting you, it's also easy to see why it's become a go-to way to end a relationship . Ghosting seems so much easier than trying to find the right words and letting someone down. When you're the one who wants to call things off, you may just find yourself ghosting, too. The thing is, in the back of your head, you know it's worth it to do the hard, mature thing and at the very least send a text before parting ways. "Letting someone know shows respect to the other person and also allows you to develop

How to Deal with Gaslighting and Stop Your Manipulator in Their Tracks

  By   Sarah Stiefvater   |   Aug. 27, 2020 Though it can take many different forms, at its core, gaslighting is a communication technique in which someone causes you to question your own version of past events. Most times, it’s meant to make you feel like you’re losing your grip on reality. In its milder forms, gaslighting creates an unequal power dynamic in a relationship. But at its worst, gaslighting can actually be considered a form of mind-control and psychological abuse. The phrase originated from a 1938 mystery thriller, Gas Light, written by British playwright Patrick Hamilton. The play was later made into a popular movie starring Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer. In the film, husband Gregory manipulates his adoring wife Paula into believing she can no longer trust her own perceptions of reality. Gaslighting can occur in all types of relationships, from a "friend" telling you you're overreacting about them gossiping about you behind your back to a co-worker insis

7 Key Ways That Sensitive Empaths Feel Things A Little Differently

September 2, 2020 — 11:03 AM Are you strongly affected by the energy of spaces, groups of people, and individuals? When you're around someone who is experiencing intense emotions like elation or anxiety, do you feel their emotions in your own system and body? If you don't get enough time to retreat and recharge, can you feel scattered, overwhelmed, or drained? Is it easy for you to understand someone else's perspective or emotional experience, even when they don't communicate it? Do you feel emotions deeply, and are you deeply moved by music, stories in books or movies, or inspiring things you witness in the world? If you answered yes to several of these questions, you're probably an empath, someone who is wired to feel not only your own energy and emotions but also the energies and emotions of those around you. Perhaps you were a sensitive child, or you might have awakened to this sensitivity later in life. Below we'll explore the root of your sensitivity and h

'I Know Narcissists. Here Are Four Signs You're Dating One'

 DR. MARIETTE JANSEN ON 9/6/20 AT 6:31 AM EDT I grew up with narcissists around me, and my struggles dealing with this led me to become a psychotherapist and life coach later in life. Only in recent years, after delving deeper into narcissism, have I discovered the full implications of interacting, on a personal and romantic level, with those who have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Through my work, I am now helping others who are victims of narcissists. I trained as a psychotherapist, and though I primarily work as a life coach now, I have worked with clients who were looking to heal from their dysfunctional families and some who were in relationships with people who were displaying many signs of NPD. My awareness of NPD started with personal experiences, where I tried to find answers about my situation. When I was training there was no particular course available on how to deal with NPD, and at that time I had never heard the word narcissist. Through researching information