Monday, June 24, 2019

Gitz-Meier /RestoreX Remodeling Rip-off

11 years ago Gitz-Meier was brought in to do restorative work after a fire. Being a full time mother, IT Specialist and student, I rely on the experts to do their job and do it right!  Here's another fine example of taking ADVANTAGE  of a female in a trusting and vulnerable position.  Now that the scam has been uncovered I'M PISSED and rightfully so!
I had a fire in the attic, the house was doused in hundreds of gallons of water from the top down on the west side. A traumatic experience on many levels to begin with ... Gitz-Meier has made sure that trauma follows me down the road!
Being new why would a homeowner rip the new work contractors did all apart?  So I trusted they did the work they were supposed to, because it's not my job to do their job. I was busy being a mom, a student and a working, productive member of society. Now that I'm doing renovation work I find that walls which should have been replaced were merely coated with the absolute thinnest cement board I've ever seen, thin enough I thought at first all they did was schlock a coat of spackle on the entire walls! After these walls were doused, Gitz-Meier's interpretation of "restoration" was to leave the soaked walls, the soaked cement baord, the soaked panels and just paste up the cheapest, thinnest cement board over it all!!!!!

Of course the attic ... they didn't do anything with the walls, cement board or OSB that was DIRECTLY HIT with water to douse the fire.

The water that ran down into the kitchen, the porch, the bathroom .... just a coat of paint. On top of this they didn't use paint rated for bathrooms!  It's really NOT that expensive!!!!  Where were the brains of this project?  Up someone's ass?

Restoration work post fire damage should include removal of all water damaged materials and replaced!!!!!  Ever hear of mold???????

All they did was cosmetic work!!!!  Nothing substantial, nothing restorative!!!!  The electrician worked harder than they did and took less time! Who made out like a bandit on this?  Gitz-Meier?  The insurance company?  Both? How many other people have they cheated? I can be pretty sure plenty!! Does one really expect a full time working, newly traumatized homeowner, single mother and full time student to be held accountable for their shitty work?  Was  supposed to go to contractor school and squeeze that in somewhere among my volunteer work to make sure they did what they were supposed to do?  Where is the fucking recourse here?

They also busted the tile that was on my bathroom sink, only apologized and never came back to replace it!!!!!

Shall we mention the contractor who, every time I came home, all he was doing was slowly hand cleaning a fan he found somewhere, sitting around and making googly eyes at me?  What the hell? I complained, the kid was removed .... but very unprofessional!!!

STAY AWAY FROM GITZ-MEIER /  RESTOREX unless you have money to waste, and lots of it!

Service Call Chronicles I

   Tripping Along the Razor’s Edge “Division of Comedy and Tragedy”, © 2025 Eina Schroeder Servicing technology in people’s places of work a...