Slather Slander

When the narc is busy slandering and smearing, are you listening?  He's telling you all about himself.

Every day away from the narc is a better day. Better health, better sleep, more peace. Detachment is key. Objectivity is important. Humor helps.

Remember: the ones who know you best and truly care for you know better. The ones that support the mean words in public he says, the lies he pushes, they are just another supply for him.  He'll discard them just as easily when he's sucked them dry. He cares no more for those "friends" that support him in his time of need when he was so callously abandoned (for lying, deceiving, manipulating ... ) than he did for his own wife. They are even less than she was. But they are the fuel he needs right now: buying his BS, lifting him up, adoring him for being so strong in the face of such adversity (that he, solely, created).

So yes, support your narc friend, give him that fuel he needs, help him perpetuate those lies until he's found a new supply and discards you like yesterdays news. Let him use you for his ugliness, it gives him pleasure to have such power over others.

He's just telling you all about himself ... are you listening to him?  Really?


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